Single Life

When Good Intentions Are Wrong

The path to hell is lined with good intentions.”

That’s the statement a friend of mine made to me a little while ago today when I asked him on how you know the difference of walking in the flesh and walking in the Spirit? I shared that it’s not my desire to walk in the flesh and that the decisions I make are with the best intentions and that’s when he made that comment. He shared that for him the same conviction and pull that drove you to accept Christ is how you know when your decision is Spirit based.

Despite what some may think, I did pray about the decision to join Christian Mingle again. I had a sweet peace to try it out again. So I did. And I believe I was led to do it for one simple reason and it’s the realization that I would rather be single for the rest of my life than deal with online dating sites. 

I’m not canceling my membership because I didn’t have any “luck” … I’m canceling it because I just don’t care enough to keep up with it. This process forces you into a false level of emotional honesty and intimacy that you wouldn’t have if you were dating in person. You are forced to bare your soul quickly to each other to see if you can handle each other’s baggage and if it doesn’t work out then you are left feeling exposed for having shared too much of your innermost heart with someone. I don’t want to leave bits and pieces of my heart all over the country.

I do not want to play God nor do I want to presume that He intends for me to marry. I want to be content with where He has me right now. I want to work through the loneliness and the aching for something more than to seek to fill that void with anything less than Him. I still believe these sites serve a great purpose but they do not serve me.

This isn’t a “woe is me” post but a “woe to me” post. It is easy to take control of life’s reigns and think we are doing the right thing but it is important to hold our intentions up to the Word for illumination.

So that’s the lesson I am learning right now … what it truly means to walk in the Spirit and how to rebuke my flesh. I am not in need. I am in want. My needs have all been met. I can rest in that and I will.

“Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:11-13

Blessings to you all.

2 thoughts on “When Good Intentions Are Wrong

  1. I think the best part of a dating site IS the swiftness of getting to know someone. It’s a lot better to know in a couple of weeks if the guy isn’t going to work rather than 4 months down the road. You have to approach these things with no preconceived notions. There are a TON of weidos out there and sometimes you have to sift through them to find your prince. If you think dating online is hard, dating in person is harder.

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